Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Home At Last!

David and I are home at last! We had a very productive trip down to Florida.  We finished gathering up everything we needed from the condo and now we can call in a junk service to haul everything else away.  Our first trip down we packed up all the furniture we wanted and all the knick-knacks.  This trip we went carefully through the house to make sure we hadn't missed anything.  We were really glad we glad we took the extra trip because we found some really cool stuff!  We found Gloria's United States Naturalization Certificate making her a US citizen.  We found all of her passports and David's passport from when he was a baby.  It's was so cute with his little baby picture in it. We found David's grandmother's death certificate which says she was a nurse, we didn't know that!  We found a photo album with old photos of Gloria and her sister and brother when they were children in Jamaica. I think one of my favorite things that we found was a letter that was written to Gloria by another member of her condominium that is expressing her extreme displeasure of living in a retirement community.   It is very descriptive and colorful and I like it because I am sure it's part truth and part perception.  But mostly I like it because its the only letter we found and it's very worn and looks like Gloria read it many times.  I could be wrong but I think she identified with the sentiments in the letter, so when I read the letter I feel like maybe I am also getting a glimpse into the way she might have felt also. When I get the box of stuff that we shipped back I will type the letter out and post it.  It's an interesting perspective on living in a retirement community.  


  1. A veritable treasure trove of genealogical gems! Fun discoveries!

  2. Sylvia,
    Sounds like you had a great trip. Having an interest in gerontology, I'm really interested in reading that letter from Gloria's friend.
