Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's so hard to concentrate when.....

Meet Tara.

See how resolutely she gazes into the distance as she stands guard over me as I work on my blog. There are other cats afoot and she must keep my laptop safe from those foul detractors.  For they would ravage my work with such crimes as "Lay On The Laptop" and "Bat the Pointer."  Oh the HUMANITY of it all!!! Such determination fills her soft fluffy chest. But wait...what is this....
 It is...hehe *gulp* rather interesting for Tara.  It' pretty. "What is that, What is that?" she is starting to feverishly ask herself.

"Oh, and what is this down here? There are THINGS down here, pretty pretty things.  Shiny things that sparkle in my eyes like moonlight in the cold of WINTER!"

"I HAVE TO TOUCH IT!! Ahahahahahhaah I touched it.  I'm touching it! Oooh, now the light is gone!  Oooh, now the light is back!  Oooh, now the light is gone!  Oooh, now the light is BACK!

"NO! I must stay strong!  Those two gray demons are closing in.  I can FEEL it.  They are plotting right this second.  Who knows what nefarious deeds they have concocted!"


"Abandon post, Abandon post.  We have a new target, repeat we have a new target.  The gray's have launched a remote attack.  It appears to be small, white, and it's approaching fast. YES!!!"


  1. I think you have the start of photo novel! Go for it!!!!

  2. That was not Bradley speaking above - he must have been signed in to his google account which overrode mine. We'll see who it says is talking again - just in case it says Brad again, it's really MOM!

  3. Ahh...a day in the life of the Williams house. Well, the Williams house with the cats, that is. Super funny, baby!
